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Technical specification of ad formats

Mobile Footer

Just like mobile branding, the mobile footer, thanks to its width across the entire display, is a very distinctive advertising format. Although it is placed in the bottom part of the page its visibility is not compromised. When fully viewed, the footer overlays more than half of the display.


Available on these sites




  • 640×700 px

Maximum data size

  • 100 kB

External display code

  • No

External measurements (beyond Mafra a.s. measurements)

  • Yes, according to our specifications.
  • Attention! All third-party tracking codes must use only secure links (https://). In the creatives themselves, all tracking URLs must also use a secure connection (https://). Differences in tracking code statistics without using https:// will not be taken into account.

Due to the smooth running and running of campaigns, documents delivered outside the described specification must be approved in advance by the MAFRA Technical Department. Thanks for your understanding.