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Technical specification of ad formats
Mobile Square (480x480) Emoticon

It is a mobile square 480x480, which is complemented by a bottom bar. On this, the users can drag the smiley to the sides and thus express their opinion (eg the evaluation of the creative). Thanks to this interaction, the creative is more memorable for users.
Available on these sites
- Image (JPG, PNG, GIF)
- 480×480 px
Maximum data size
- 100 kB
External measurements (beyond Mafra a.s. measurements)
- Yes, according to our specifications.
- Accepted third-party codes: AdForm, DCM, Sizmek, Gemius.
Attention! All third-party tracking codes must use only secure links (https://). In the creatives themselves, all tracking URLs must also use a secure connection (https://). Differences in tracking code statistics without using https:// will not be taken into account.
Due to the smooth running and running of campaigns, documents delivered outside the described specification must be approved in advance by the MAFRA Technical Department. Thanks for your understanding.
Before you start creating a banner
General rules for all banners:
- The banner must not be overly aggressive in the sense of vibrating and flashing – an aggressive banner refers to a design that changes colors, headings or other important graphic elements in a striking manner and very short time span (less than 1 second), which can disturb the user when working with the page.
- The banner must not contain vulgarisms or other unethical elements.
- The banner must not exceed the permitted data limits and must have the correct dimensions for the required position.
- The banner must not contain control components of operating systems and must not look like a system report. Must not use generally known graphic elements in a misleading way – for example symbol “play” for anything else than the start of playing multimedia content and so on.
- The banner must in no way interfere with the page or influence the behavior of page elements which are not a part of the advertising surfaces (banner). It must not change the page title or its main content, or arbitrarily adjust the entered URL without clicking on the banner.
- In file names must not be used any diacritical mark, space or any spe-cial character. Instead of space, you can use “_”.
- All versions of the banner and target URL addresses must be submitted at least two business days before the start of the campaign, if not stated otherwise.