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Technical specification of ad formats

Dynamic Gigaboard (480x960)

An extraordinary format for your products. Due to its location and size, it is very effective. It is divided into eight fields, and each can display upto four images. Attention: The banner is still in the testing phase.


Available on these sites


  • Format: XML feed
  • Dimensions of banner: 480x960 px
  • Dimensions of product image: 240x240 px
  • Data size of product image: 15 kB (indicative only, it is important that all images together do not exceed the total size of the banner)
  • The number of product images: 24
  • Data size of whole banner: max. 350 kB
  • Vzor XML feedu


      Basic information

      The banner is divided into eight fields. Each field can display up to four images which are alternated one after the other. The transition between images is made by an animation of a rotating cube.

      Attention: The banner is still in the testing phase

      • Delay after which a cube is rotated in the next field: 2s (can be changed)
      • The order of fields in which the cubes rotate: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H (can be changed)
      • Some sides of the cubes can be turned on all fields at the same time and thus display the advertising message over the entire surface of the Gigaboard. (may be changed)
      • Time when the cubes of all fields will simultaneously display the message over the entire surface of the banner: 8s (can be changed)
      • Font color: White (can be changed)
      • Cube Roll Speed: 2s (can be changed)

      • Format: XML feed
      • Banner dimensions: 480x960 px
      • Dimension of one field: 240x240 px
      • Data size of one image in field: 15 kB (just indicative, it is important that all images together do not exceed the total size of the banner)
      • Number of images in one field: up to 4
      • Number of fields: 8
      • Total number of all images: is a multiple of 8, i.e. 8, 16, 24 to a maximum of 32 images.
      • Maximum data size (of all images combined): 400 KB max

      Sample XML feed

        Due to the smooth running and running of campaigns, documents delivered outside the described specification must be approved in advance by the MAFRA Technical Department. Thanks for your understanding.