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Technical specification of ad formats

Commercial Announcement (PR Article)

In the case, a banner advertisement is not enough for you, and you would also like to share out with some interesting text content, then do not hesitate and take the opportunity to place your own content into a chosen section. You can also add some photographies, to make it more interesting.



  • We recommend submitting the materials for the article in advance, we have 3 working days to process the article.
  • If you wish to have hypertext links in the text, then it is important to mark these places in text. A photograph can be placed in PR article. We can’t place any tracking code into the article.
  • On mobile version at the list of articles page, is visible only image and header, not perex.

Technical specifications of PR Article

  • Dimensions of the main image: 630x360 px (must always be delivered, it can´t be published without it.)
  • Image data size: max. 2MB, must be horizontally oriented, in RGB color space (not CMYK) and resolution 72 DPI
  • Format: JPG, PNG
  • Announcement

  • HEADLINE: 70 characters including spaces, (words in the title must not be used as hypertext links)
  • PEREX: 300 characters including spaces, (words in perex must not be used as hypertext links)
  • TEXT: the amount of the text depends on the client, though we recommend one A4 page with standard line spacing